
I am Fabio Pozzato, a student at the "Free University of Bolzano" in Italy, I decided to spend the fall semester 2012 abroad, at the college of Charleston, South Carolina, USA.

At the college i'm taking courses that i couldn't take in my university, like "Electronic publishing and Design". In this course we learned the basics of three main design programs: Photoshop, Indesign and Illustrator.

Apart of learning how to use those programs we learned design priniciples in order to create high quality design for our projects.In the final part of the course we learned some Html too, in order to create this portfolio with everething we did during the semester.

The site is divided in four pages, containing the main projects we did. In "Magazine Ad" an advertisement we did using inDesign for an event : The WestDust.

In "Calendar" a calendar for an humane society to encourage adoption of animals.

In "Photoshop" there are the result of some Photoshop tutorial we used.

Last page has an advertisement intended to benefit the public interest by raising awareness of an issue, affecting public attitudes, and potentially stimulating action. The topic i chose is "driving and alchool".